Category: COVID-19 Planning
If you are not feeling well or experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, or if you have been notified of a recent exposure to a confirmed positive case of COVID, we ask that you please stay home—and join us for our service or class online. Thank you for your continued help in keeping our community safe!
The Board has approved updated Covid-19 guidelines on campus. This was done to bring our guidelines more directly in line with the updated CDC guidelines, due to the desire of congregants to have more flexibility for events on campus, and to allow for individuals to … read more.
The Board of Trustees has approved new Covid-19 building use parameters on campus. Due to the changing landscape of Covid-19 and the CDC’s changing to the Community Level three color system rather than the five color Community Transmission system (which CovidActNow was based upon), the … read more.
Unfortunately, due to the continued rise in Covid-19 cases in our county, we have moved into the Brick Red (Severe/Extreme Risk) category according to Covid Act Now as of Saturday, August 14, following the weekly data … read more.
The Board held a special meeting on Thursday, May 27, to discuss the Pandemic Building Usage Parameters that the reopening task force recommended. With a few changes, the Board approved the pandemic building use chart shown below. As always, the Task force and the Board … read more.
The 1stUUPB Reopening Task Force met again on March 27. We are watching the situation in Palm Beach County closely and taking into consideration the guidance of the CDC, the UUA, and Covid Act Now particularly. We are hopeful for at least a partial reopening … read more.
The 1stUUPB Reopening Task Force met on February 27, and continues to monitor the situation in Palm Beach County. We are hopeful for the relative speed and availability of vaccinations in our area, and by anecdotal evidence that many in our congregation are getting vaccinated. … read more.
Individuals who need to visit our campus for pre-approved, mission critical tasks, must complete the below linked tracing form to the best of their ability after visiting campus. Best sanitary practices must be followed for their, as well as staff’s and other volunteers’, safety. Thank you.
… read more.
Individuals who need to visit our campus for pre-approved, mission critical tasks, must complete the below linked form to the best of their ability prior to visiting campus and resubmit after if any of the responses have changed. Best sanitary practices must be followed for their, … read more.