The Board of Trustees has approved new Covid-19 building use parameters on campus. Due to the changing landscape of Covid-19 and the CDC’s changing to the Community Level three color system rather than the five color Community Transmission system (which CovidActNow was based upon), the Reopening Task Force proposed new parameters, and the Board approved those with some important changes. The new parameters refer directly to the CDC’s COVID-19 Community Levels for Palm Beach County rather than CovidActNow and use the updated three tier color coding, Green = Low, Yellow = Medium, Orange = High, and the adapted parameters below, while adding an additional “Only Critical Activities” on campus level when the weekly number of cases exceeds 525 per 100,000 (or 75 daily new cases per 100,000).

Read more here.
Please note:
- The CDC’s new system no longer aims to contain Covid-19, but aims to avoid overrunning the hospital system. The levels can depend more upon Covid-19 hospitalizations or percent of hospital beds occupied by Covid-19 patients rather than by number of cases.
- The new Yellow Level corresponds to the old Red Level by number of cases per 100,000 residents OR more hospitalizations. The Orange level can be entered directly from the Green Level if hospitalizations or the percentage of beds occupied by Covid-19 patients rises precipitously.
- The test positive rate and the transmission rate are no longer taken into account.
- Florida is only reporting every other week, and each off week is never reported, therefore there appear to be no cases and/or deaths every other week.
- Reported cases have been on the rise for the last 3 reporting periods (April 8, April 22, May 6).
Comparison of CDC’s Community Levels versus Community Transmission Levels on 5.16.22