Parents and congregation volunteers provide a warm and nurturing environment for spiritual exploration and growth with a variety of thought-provoking, creative, and meaningful intergenerational activities.

We are not currently offering Sunday morning classes during service. Parents can pick up an art activity packet upon arrival to keep the kids engaged during the service. All ages are welcome to enjoy the music, belt out hymns, light candles, and participate in our Story for All Ages.

During our after-service social hour, parents and kids are welcome to hang out in our secure and dedicated nursery and classroom spaces for free play and exploration.

Beyond Sundays, we host family-oriented and intergenerational activities, including:

Meetups/Family Fun Nights
Please see the Events Calendar on the website for more details.

Sunday Worship: Time for All Ages
10:30 to 11:30 a.m. A multigenerational experience presented during online service.

If you have any questions or would like more information about the Children & Youth Faith Development plans we have in development, reach out to program volunteer David Traupman at