Our History
As oaks grow from acorns, our Congregation began in 1952 with gatherings of
religious liberals in West Palm Beach. Meeting in homes, enough interest was
generated to organize a Unitarian Fellowship that joined the American Unitarian
Association a year later.
The Congregation grew during the 1950’s, finding successive meeting places in the
Alfar Dairy Club House, the YMCA, and the Woman’s Club. For five years beginning
in 1958, we met for worship in the old Greek Orthodox Church on Broward Street.
In 1963 we obtained full status as a church in the Unitarian Universalist Association,
and purchased the First Christian Church in West Palm Beach. We worshipped in
that sanctuary and used the annex for religious education. A fire destroyed most of
that building in 1970 but the annex was restored and remodeled, serving as a
meeting room, kitchen, office and church school. Located at Florida Avenue and
Hibiscus Street, this was our church home until we moved to our present site, 635
Prosperity Farms Road in North Palm Beach, in 1987.
Our first full-time minister, The Rev. Dr. William J. Arms, served us from 1958-
1962. He was followed by The Rev. Mr. Jack Loadman (1962-1967) and then The
Rev. Mr. John Rose.
We have been enriched by the ministries of The Rev. Dr. Waldemar Argow, from
1974 to 1980, and the Rev. Dr. Ralph N. Helverson, from 1981 to 1989. Both Dr.
Argow and Dr. Helverson are now Ministers Emeritus, and are much loved and
The Rev. Dr. Janet Newman did commendable work as our Interim Minister during
1989 and 1990. Dr. Newman was succeeded by The Rev. Roger Cowan, who
became our minister in 1990, following his ministry at the First Unitarian Church of
Written in 1991, author unknown