Individuals who need to visit our campus for pre-approved, mission critical tasks, must complete the below linked form to the best of their ability prior to visiting campus and resubmit after if any of the responses have changed. Best sanitary practices must be followed for their, as well as staff’s and other volunteers’, safety. If you are coordinating a touchless event on the campus please read the Guidelines for Outdoor events. Thank you.
December 15, 2020: Update from 12/9/2020 Task Force Meeting
The Task Force is continuing to meet and work on preparing a plan. Currently, however, the situation with the pandemic is getting worse rather than better. For this reason, the Task Force does not recommend approving any new types of events on campus now. There is a particular concern that this might give the impression that the situation is less risky than before, when it is not.
October 28, 2020
While we are not yet ready to open our campus to in-person meetings, we want to let you know that the Board has created a task force to research best practices and develop a multi-phase plan for reopening when it becomes safe. Currently the only activities on campus have been staff operations and pre-approved, mission critical tasks that require a very limited number of people being on site. These essential volunteers are following best practices for their, as well as staff’s, safety.
At the October 2020 Board Meeting, two drive through events on campus were approved: a food drive which will be coordinated by Drew Davis and the annual Guest at Your Table collection event sponsored by RE. These events will involve very limited contact and best safety practices will be in place. More information to follow on these events.
The task force plans to meet approximately monthly or more often if needed, and along with the Board, will continue to communicate with you often regarding the plans. In the interim, if you have any questions you may reach out to any of the task force members: Linda Hartley, Rachel Melcher, Steve Pock, or Suzanne Schluter.