The Board held a special meeting on Thursday, May 27, to discuss the Pandemic Building Usage Parameters that the reopening task force recommended. With a few changes, the Board approved the pandemic building use chart shown below. As always, the Task force and the Board kept in mind our core UU values of equity, compassion, and community. The Board realizes that this document may need to be reviewed and revised as new data becomes available and pandemic conditions in our county change.
The task force has studied and continues to study the research and information available and are working to find the best solutions for all. The Task Force used information from the CDC, Covid Act Now, and the UUA, among other sources as a basis for our recommendations. We know that many people have gotten vaccinated. We know that vaccines are not 100% effective at keeping people from getting and and from passing the disease. There have been breakthrough illnesses, not many, but some. For individuals with auto-immune diseases, the vaccine may very likely be less effective. Children under 12 are not yet able to be vaccinated at all. Some other individuals may not be able to be vaccinated due to health conditions. Some people will choose not to be vaccinated. Experts are saying that we might not achieve herd immunity before a variant arises for which the vaccines are less effective. The risk for unvaccinated people is currently about the same as it was in January.
Currently, in the Phase 4 of the plan, corresponding to Yellow, Medium Risk, on Covid Act Now, indoor and outdoor activities are allowed on campus. For indoor activities masks are required, with no food or beverage consumption. While opening the way for in-person events on our church campus, the Board decided that it was wise to continue to require masks indoors in this current phase, in order to protect those more vulnerable members and guests among us who are not able to be vaccinated. An exception to this current indoor masking at Phase 4 has been made for the fully vaccinated music ministry group to gather unmasked to practice and record.
Due to our strong commitment to remain inclusive, the Sunday Worship Services will not begin in the Sanctuary until it is possible for it to be available in-person as well as virtually. Many volunteers on the Sanctuary Services Committee are working hard to finalize and implement a plan to offer services simultaneously in-person and online with the new audio/visual system. This will have the added benefit of allowing our snowbirds to continue to join in over the summer.
Most of us have not been through a pandemic before. Bear with us, and regardless of the parameters, don’t attend any events you do not feel comfortable attending. Please also be aware that some among us are at higher risk or may not feel as secure. In deciding if or when your groups will begin meeting in person, please work as much as possible by consensus. Let’s remember that we are a covenantal religion and keep our UU values of mutual care and concern for each other in our minds and hearts as we navigate these complicated waters.
Please contact the office if your group, committee, etc. would like to begin meeting in person again on campus. There are practical considerations that need to be put in place, such as the cleaning of the buildings, etc.
Click graphic below to view it as a Google Sheet.