1stUUPB Members,
Please join us for a special Congregational Meeting on Wednesday, August 10, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom.
In order to provide the best experience for all and due to many members being out of town, this meeting will be held on ZOOM ONLY. Please use the 1stUUPB Zoom Meeting button on the website, also linked here.
Cottage meetings were recently held to inform the members of the conditions surrounding a 2023 ministerial search and to get feedback on the the level and type of support members have for ministry at 1stUUPB. In response to what was learned, the Board is proposing the following motion to be voted on at this special meeting:
Motion to Support Ministry at 1stUUPB
“Motion to approve the expenditure of funds from the Permanent Endowment Fund pursuant to Article 12.3.2 to support the hire of a full-time UUA fellowshipped minister for fiscal years 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26 plus the hiring of staff as recommended by the minister for robust religious education/community outreach programs and administrative support, the total of all such expenditures to be no greater than $ 400,000, which amount shall be transferred at the direction of the President of the Board of Trustees from the Permanent Endowment Fund to a new investment account within the Overall Endowment Fund to be called the Ministry Support Fund.”
At the July Board Meeting, the Board voted to move into search for a Contract Minister through the UUA process. Due to the scarcity of ministers and our particular congregation’s circumstances, we feel that this is our best option to attract a full-time minister. For this type of ministry we will be able to detail the particular areas we would like to work on for our shared ministry with a new minister and unlike with Developmental Ministry, the option to call the Minister remains open.
If you missed the cottage meetings or to see some projections of the effect this could have on the Overall Endowment Fund, please click here.
The agenda for the meeting can be found below.
If you’d like to submit any questions or comments ahead of the meeting, please email them to Suzanne Schluter at schluter_s@yahoo.com.
We appreciate your participation in this important part of our congregational life!
The 1stUUPB Board of Trustees
Special Congregational Meeting of the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches
August 10, 2022
I. Call to Order
II. Lighting of the Chalice and Opening Words
III. Welcome and Introductions
IV. Quorum Check
V. Presentation of the Issue
VI. Motion to Support Ministry at 1stUUPB
“Motion to approve the expenditure of funds from the Permanent Endowment Fund pursuant to Article 12.3.2 to support the hire of a full-time UUA fellowshipped minister for fiscal years 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26 plus the hiring of staff as recommended by the minister for robust religious education/community outreach programs and administrative support, the total of all such expenditures to be no greater than $ 400,000, which amount shall be transferred at the direction of the President of the Board of Trustees from the Permanent Endowment Fund to a new investment account within the Overall Endowment Fund to be called the Ministry Support Fund.”
VII. Benediction and Extinguishing the Chalice
VIII. Adjournment