Part II Proposed By-Law Revisions

Hello 1STUUPB Members,

Happy New Year! We hope you have enjoyed a peaceful end-of-year and gentle entrance into the new year.

Get ready all you by-law aficionados! Part II of the By-Law revisions is coming to your neighborhood Zoom meeting! A cottage meeting will be held on Zoom on Thursday, January 14, at 6:30 PM to discuss the proposed changes to Article 9 – The Minister. In addition, a break-out room will be dedicated to this discussion on Sunday, January 17, for those who are unable to attend on January 14. The changes to this article are being proposed to bring it into alignment with current UUA practices and recommendations.

Linked here you will find Article 9 as it is currently written and Article 9 with the proposed changes. Below are links to the UUA Handbooks that have guided this exercise. For ease, the sections referenced are in the linked document UUA Resources for Article 9 By-Law Proposed Revisions.

  1. Article 9.3 Categories of Ministers see The Transitional Ministry Handbook p. 17
  2. Article 9.4 Selection of Settled Minister see The Settlement Handbook p. 35
  3. Article 9.5 Selection of Other Ministers see  The Transitional Ministry Handbook

If you’d like to submit any questions or comments ahead of the cottage meeting, please email them to Rachel Melcher at

A Special Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 28th to vote on these proposed changes to Article 9.

Thank you all for your continued assistance as the by-laws are cleaned up as part of the interim ministry and in looking toward settled ministry.

The 1stUUPB Board of Trustees