Thank you to the members and friends who answered the Building Usage Parameters survey! The results showed that 57% of respondents (35 responses) strongly agreed or agreed with the parameters and another 12% were neutral. Of the 30% who disagreed or strongly disagreed, 92% found the policy to be too strict and 7% too lenient. If masks were no longer required in the sanctuary for Sunday Services, the majority replied that they would be neither more nor less likely to attend, 25% would be more likely to attend, and 14% would be less likely to attend. Over 50% were generally in favor of continuing with masks in the Sanctuary for Sunday Services for the moment. (View full survey results)

Considering the above survey results and the current situation in Palm Beach County: rising cases and rising test positivity rate, but low hospitalizations and low death rates, the Board approved freezing 1stUUPB’s Risk Level at YELLOW on our current Building Usage Parameters while a better system can be determined. Below are the basics of our parameters for the Yellow risk level:

  • Gatherings in Minister’s Hall: Food and Beverages can be served and enjoyed without masks.
  • Sunday Services in the Sanctuary: Masks required

*** Please take further precautions for your own vulnerability or comfort level, there is no guarantee guidelines will be followed by all.***