Hello 1STUUPB Members,
Please join us for our Annual Meeting on Sunday, March 28, directly after the service. At this meeting voting will be held on the FY 2021-22 Budget as well as the Leadership Slate Nominations from the Nominating Committee and the February 28 Congregational Meeting minutes.
A Cottage Meeting will be held on Zoom on Thursday, March 18, at 6:30 PM for discussion on these items. [Use the Worship on Zoom Link on the Home Page.] In addition, a break-out room will be dedicated to this discussion on Sunday, March 21, after the service.
Please review the annual report by clicking the button below, where you will find the agenda, 2021/22 Proposed Budget and the February 28, Congregational Meeting draft minutes. If you have any difficulty accessing it, please contact Kim Hetrick (admin@1stuupb.org) or Suzanne Schluter (schluter_s@yahoo.com) or call the office.
If you’d like to submit any questions or comments ahead of the cottage meeting, please email them to Rachel Melcher at rachelmelcher78@gmail.com.
We appreciate your participation in this important part of the life of the congregation!
The 1stUUPB Board of Trustees