Saturday, February 24th and Saturday March 2nd, 2024
in the Plum Village tradition of Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh

Space Coast Sangha of Rockledge, FL (scmindfulness.org) cordially invites you to participate in two Days of Mindfulness (DOMs) on Sat Feb 24 and Sat Mar 2, at Unitarian Universalist Friendship Fellowship, 3115 Fellowship Place, Rockledge, FL 32955.  (One can choose to participate in either or both days). The DOMs will be led by the Sisters of Blue Cliff Monastery, a meditation center established in 2007 by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in Pine Bush, NY to promote mindfulness practice in the Plum Village tradition.

The DOMs are designed to introduce mindfulness practice to new practitioners of any religious backgroundas well as to offer an opportunity for experienced ones to deepen their practice.  The day begins with a guided meditation followed by a talk addressing aspects of mindfulness practice and how it may be applied to daily living.  We will also have a chance to practice walking meditation.  After a mindful lunch, participants will enjoy a period of Deep Relaxation, a lying-down guided meditation.  This is followed by break-out group discussions of the practice in sharing circles.  The day ends with a Questions and Answers session. Click here to view DOM Flyer for a summary of the events, including pre-registration information.

The DOMs are intended to share the mindfulness practice of Plum Village, distilled through decades of work by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh to bring personal peace, reconciliation and healing to people worldwide.  The days are designed to allow driving time for some participants.

Space Coast Sangha would be honored by your presence and participation.
In peace,
Dat Nguyen
for Space Coast Mindfulness Practice Community (Space Coast Sangha)