1stUUPB Pandemic Building Usage Task Force Update

1stUUPB has moved to the Red (Critical/Very High Risk) level from Brick Red (Severe/Extreme Risk) level of our building usage parameters. Since vaccines are still keeping most vaccinated people from having serious illness, the following activities will be allowed on campus: 
Indoor Events: Limited to 10 households – Masks required; no food and/or drink; Type A Music Ministry; Allowance in service for one unmasked speaker at a time, limited to two unmasked speakers total during a service, each in a fixed location separate from the other and separated from the congregation by at least 20 feet.
Outdoor events: Up to 25 households – Masks required; bring own food and/or drink, no sharing between households; Type A Music Ministry; Allowance in service for one unmasked speaker at a time, limited to two unmasked speakers total during a service, each in a fixed location separate from the other and separated from the congregation by at least 20 feet

We are very excited that more in-person activities are again allowed. However, there are still a few things keeping us from rushing back into the sanctuary for services. A small group of people are working hard to learn the new Audio Visual system in keeping with the Board’s decision to continue having services available on-line, once we begin to meet in person again. Additionally there are quite a few housekeeping/upkeep issues that must be dealt with before we can open up the sanctuary for services.

The Board also approved a few clarifying changes to the Building Usage Parameters at their meeting on September 21.  For a more detailed understanding of our building usage parameters and the recommendations and decisions made by the Board, please click here
We will be hosting a breakout room on Zoom after services for the next couple of weeks to be able to answer any questions.

Inclusion, compassion, and care for all are our guiding principles in this process. Please do not hesitate to contact the Task Force if you have questions or concerns. Please contact Kim if you want to schedule an activity under the current guidelines, knowing that you may need to be flexible with your plans if we should move back into a higher risk level.

Thank you!
Suzanne Schluter, Rachel Melcher, Stephen Pock