Rev. John Considine is an ordained interfaith minister who has lived in Palm Beach County most of his life. He served as an elected member of the Florida House of Representatives from 1974 to 1978.[2] and was a prime sponsor of Florida’s Generic Drug Act of 1978. The new idea of generic drugs was expanded in that law and those signs you see at CVS: “Ask your pharmacist about the availability of a less expensive generic drug” was mandated in his legislation.
Born in Detroit, Michigan, his family moved here in 1956 and he attended Cardinal Newman High School. John graduated from Villanova University in 1970 and from the University of Florida College of Law in 1974. In 1996 he retired from the practice of law and entered seminary at Unity Village. He has been a regular speaker at Universalist Unitarian Church of Farmington, Michigan filling in for Rev. Leonetta Bugliesi at vacation times.
John is grateful to be called “Dad” by a middle school science teacher, a psychotherapist, a marketing professional and a high school student.
Psychologists at the University of Herefordshire in England have conducted studies on hundreds of people to determine what makes some people lucky and others not. What is luck? Where does it come from? And how do we get more of it? Put aside your lucky … read more.