A Vibrant Tapestry of Gender Identity
June’s Pride month is awash with rampant rainbow capitalization: LGBTQ+-themed merchandise (rainbow Oreos, anyone?); DEI pledges from corporations; and sleekly produced ads touting inclusivity. But, how deep does this support go once the last rainbow Oreo is devoured?
Join us for an LGBTQ+ Pride month service that looks beyond the rainbow to help us better understand and become allies to the more richly-hued diversity of gender identity, expression, and sexual orientation. Compass Center’s Michael Riordan joins us to share their story and the work they do to promote inclusion and support for the emotions and physical safety of people who are marginalized on the basis of gender identity, expression, or sexual orientation.
After hospitality, Michael will facilitate a conversation where no question is off the table! We’ll get an introduction to Compass’s LGBTQ+ Cultural Competency Training in advance of scheduling a full workshop for our congregation and the wider community later in the year.