The Sanctuary Services Group is seeking volunteers to help with opening the sanctuary when we move back down into the RED COVID risk level (we are currently in BRICK RED, the highest risk level). Our plan is to continue to hold the services on Zoom, but also open the sanctuary and Minister’s Hall as group viewing locations for showings of the Zoom service. We are seeking volunteers to staff those showings, hopefully in some sort of rotation for the duration of the next RED period. Are you one of the folks who prefers to attend in person whenever possible? Please consider taking one of these roles, and making that option available to yourself and others. We will train you ahead of time, provide a checklist to follow, and give you numbers to call if you need any help. Please contact Tara to volunteer for 1 or more Sundays: 561-687-9679,
The tentative plan:
Red-level Service – The service will be held on Zoom and also be shown on the monitors in the sanctuary. People may also attend on Facebook, as always. In-person attendance is limited to 10 households per building.
The jobs:
Sanctuary Attendant
- Turns on lights and A/C
- Unlocks door closest to Minister’s Hall and puts a RED sign-in sheet there
- Posts RED signs on the other doors
- Restocks candle table as needed
- Logs into the Zoom Sunday service and shows it on the monitors
- Directs newcomers to sign in at the Welcome Table
- Lights and extinguishes chalice flame at the appropriate times (or invites an attendee to do so)
- Sends a pic of the sign-in sheet to Tara
- Turns everything off and locks up
Overflow Attendant
- Opens Ministers Hall
- Turns on lights and A/C
- Puts out a RED sign-in sheet
- Logs into the Zoom Sunday service and shows it on the screen
- Sends a pic of the sign-in sheet to Tara
- Turns everything off and locks up