Adult Day Treatment Program for Developmentally Disabled Adults. $500 – sponsored by Richard Keelan to provide staff person of the month recognition awards of approximately $50 in the form of a gift card. Director of Vocational Services: Richard E Keelan Rationale: The program provides a much needed service for adults with significant behavioral issues. The staff is significantly underpaid but the wages are set by contractual agreement with the State of Florida which dictates the salary. UCP Palm Beach County, 3595 2nd Ave North, Lake Worth, FL 33461, 561-357-7779 Ext 2523,   Fax 561-357-7796

Center for Family Services – $500 – sponsored by Barbara Moszynski To buy bed linen for residential apartments for homeless families. Lyndsey Morrell, 1318 Henrietta Ave. West Palm Beach FL 33401, 561-514-0564,

Child Protection Team of Palm Beach, Inc. (CPT) – $500 – sponsored by Barbara Woodworth To fund prescriptions for victims in need of medication who have inadequate insurance to cover such medications. Executive Administration Assistant: Sharon Cornett Mission Statement: To protect children from neglect, abuse & sexual abuse by evaluating allegations, supporting caregivers, enhancing the prosecution of perpetrators and training professionals who work with children. The CPT operates the ONLY forensic medical clinic serving child victims of abuse, sexual abuse and criminal neglect in Palm Beach County. 5305 Greenwood Ave, Suite 101, West Palm Beach, FL 33407  561-433-3544 x 234 Email:   Web site:

Club 100 charities – $500 – sponsored by Barbara Woodworth –To fund two children’s attendance at educational/recreational summer camp. Director: Ellen M. Lowe. Bethlehem Haitian Baptist Church – 425 Crescent Dr. Lake Park, FL 33403

De Porres Place – $500 –sponsored by Marilyn Thomas. To replace ten chairs in the center. Director: Louisa McKensey, Mission:To tutor adults in need of basic reading and writing skills in a community that promotes learning and a spirit of family. 1016 North Dixie Hwy 2nd. Floor West palm beach, FL 33401 561-863-5778 –

First UU Feeding Our Community’s Children – $500 – Sponsored by Bob Ashmore To provide food for migrant children and their families in western Palm Beach County -. Team Leader: Bob Ashmore. 90% of the children in the Glades are on free or reduced cost lunches/breakfasts.  50,000 kids in the county face food insufficiency.

Hope 4 Mobility – $500 – sponsored by Barbara Woodworth To build wheelchair ramps for special needs children.. President: Ollie Jones Mission: To provide children with special needs the assistance necessary for essential adaptive equipment and therapeutic services to help improve their mobility and quality of life 4138 Bluff Harbor Way Wellington, FL 33449 561-249-2464

LGBT Youth Pride – $500 – sponsored by Rev. C.J. McGregor To provide seed money to organize and to initiate outreach. PRIDE is a meeting place for the LGBT youth community-including friends, advocates and supporters and is based in Jupiter, Florida. Jupiter now has over 50,000 residents, but no meaningful, coherent presence for its growing LGBT population. This group offers a place where our LGBT youth can find support and resources and be involved in advocacy efforts. Executive Director: Tia Jolie Phillips, 3245 Duncombe Drive, Jupiter, FL  33458, 734.645.6500 – cell Website: None at this time

Mothers Against Murderers – $ 500 – sponsored by Sylvia Ansay To purchase a sound system and a computer to support it. -. President/Founder: Angela Williams, Mission: To assist parents or guardians of murder victims and to provide quality programs for youth that will turn them away from violent acts. This organization counsels grieving families who have lost a member to murder. When the mothers are ready the group brings them to speak to prisoners about the damage the murder does to survivors, including children too young to remember a slain parent. 5840 Corporate Way Suite 112 West Palm Beach, FL 33407 842-8230 Angela Williams 561-249-7974 and 561-324-3701

P.E.A.C.E. – $500 – Sponsored by Barbara Hatzfeld To print “carbon copy” house meeting response forms. Lead Organizer: Emily Small, Mission: Recognizing that to do justice requires power, we come together in large numbers of people to hold our political and economic systems accountable around serious community problems. 100 N. Palmway, Lake Worth FL 33460 561-882-0403

Prisoner Art – $500 – Sponsored by Judy Bonner – To provide postage and framing of prisoners’ art.. Facilitators: Carol and Edward Strick Mission: To change the public’s misconception of prisoners through their art. 3516 Whitehall Dr. #101, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 561-689-1597

Emergency Medical Assistance Inc. – $544 – (This money is raised in a dedicated collection) – To provide financial assistance to women who have made the decision to terminate their pregnancies but can’t afford the cost of a safe and legal abortion. President: Fran Sachs. Mission: Help make every child a wanted child. This is a private, independent agency founded in 1973 by a member of our congregation, Harriet Glasner. The majority of those helped are single, impoverished, unemployed or underemployed mothers with one or more children. EMA preserves clients’ privacy and dignity while ensuring high quality and safe medical care when they face this difficult situation. PO Box 3552 Palm Beach Gardens, Fl. 33420 271-5164