Sunday Service Viewing on Facebook
The 1stUUPB Sunday Service live should be able to be viewed without creating an account. The Online Sunday Services button on our website home page brings you the 1stUUPB main Facebook page. Once the Live Video has started it should be the top post, a bit of scrolling down may be needed. Facebook will want you to sign in if you don’t have an account, or your device is not signed in. You shouldn’t need to in order to watch, but you will if you want to interact. Depending on your device you may need to close the sign-in pop up if there is an X in the top right corner of it, or just ignore the prompts if there is not an X and scroll to see where the live video is. (More ideas below if the live video is not appearing after scrolling down about one screen length.)
VOLUME: Be aware that there is a volume on the bottom right corner of the video rectangle that might be muted and can be adjusted. When you hover over it there will be a blue bar to show how loud it is. You will have your device’s volume control in addition to this one. Be ready to adjust the volumes, we are finding this part a bit difficult. Thank you for your patience while we learn.
The two arrows to the right of the volume button will allow you to make the video full screen.
If you do not see the live video and it is 10:30 AM on Sunday, you can try clicking the word Live on the left bar or the word Video.
The graphic below shows the Live page but while no live video is happening. When a live video is being broadcast it should be right on top, above the words Past Live Videos.
Thank you for joining us. We hope you were able to view our service on Facebook, live or later. These instructions were created from looking at a PC and other devices may appear different. Please let us know if your experience was different.